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Sta. Rosa De Lima Parish Mission & Vision:


The People of God of the Sta.Rosa De Lima Parish envision themselves as a truly evangelized and evangelizing community of Christ's disciples, united in one faith, a truly participatory,living,loving and church and actively responding to the needs of one another, with a special and preferential care and concern for the poor.


Towards this end, they commit themselves to a renewed integral evangelization by the power of the Holy Spirit, through a sincere and dynamic liturgical ministry, an organized and realistic catechesis, and the promotion of peace, justice and family life program, and in consonance with the principles and aspirations of the second vatican council and the second plenary council of the Padgenpas, which is geared towards the building up of a truly Christian community that is "Maka-Diyos, Maka-Tao,Maka-Bayan, Maka-Buhay and Maka-Kalikasan.

Rev. Fr. Mar Baranda

Parish Priest-Sta. Rosa De Lima Parish, Bagong Ilog, Pasig City

Rev. Fr. Sebastian Puthen Varghese

Rev. Fr. Jerry Joseph Valomkunnel


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